Monday, January 10, 2011

overheard at HDS

Divinity School is an odd, odd place. Harvard Divinity School in particular is especially quirky - charming in its quirky-ness, but still very quirky. Thankfully in part to the wonders of facebook many former HDS-ers have chronicled some of the gems uttered by my HDS family. Here are a few of my favorites:

Overheard in Hebrew Bible Class: Student 1: "Where can I learn more about the theme of exile and return?" Answer from student 2: "Maybe you should ask a Jewish person." Response from student 1: "Ok, I guess I'll just ask myself then and get an answer." 

"I was going to get a ceramic hip replacement, but then I thought ceramic could break. What if my ceramic hip broke while doing a yoga headstand?" - Professor on science's hermeneutical nature. 

3rd year law student: "I'm taking a joint-law school/divinity school class next semester with a Catholic priest." 
3rd year divinity student: "The death of religion?"
3L: "Well, the future of religion, but yes, same thing."
3D: "Oh, and that professor from the Divinity School isn't a priest. He's Francis." 
3L is left very confused

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