Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It’s dark because you are trying too hard.
Lightly child, lightly.
Learn to do everything lightly…
Even though you’re feeling deeply…
Lightly let things happen
and lightly cope with them…
On tiptoes and with no luggage...
Completely unencumbered.
-Aldous Huxley

I should be working

But I'm obviously not. This will continue to be a trend in my graduate work in all likelihood and I am okay with that.

It has been a while since I have written in this space so I should do a bit of catching up. I am now living in Ann Arbor with my wonderful little pup Lolli. Overall, I feel like the Midwest has opened its arms wide and welcomed me home. The slower pace here, the little conversations at the grocery store with strangers, fits me in a way that I had forgotten.

I have enjoyed flipping through this blog and my older blog (http://mydivinityschooljourney.blogspot.com/) and reflecting on the past few years. I went from one graduate school to another, changed religious traditions, had my first "real job," and moved across the country. A lot has changed and I find myself thinking of that popular line - "Want to give God a good laugh, then tell him your plans."

For now, in this moment of quiet when I should be doing work, I am trying not to have plans and just enjoy the feeling of home in this big Michigan mitten.